Finlandia Vodka is committed to creating a quality vodka while being in harmony with nature through our water, raw material, distillation and bottle design.


Water is the soul of  Finlandia, its key element. About 60% of the final quality is determined by the water’s influence on a vodka’s character. The more pure the water, the lighter and purer the vodka. The less it is necessary to tamper with the water, the better.


If water is the soul of vodka, the raw material is its spirit. Traditionally, vodkas were made using grains like wheat, rye or barley. Potato and beetroot were used widely, too. Nowadays, though, we make vodkas from almost every imaginable material; the only rule being it must be vegetarian. Some vodkas are made from sugar cane or even grapes. Each raw material delivers unique characters to the final product, constantly widening vodka versatility.


Distillation represents the human impact on vodkas. Various methods are used, as well as many kinds of filtration after distillation. Traditional pot distillation, like that used with fine whiskies, provides more robust, rich vodkas. This method is no longer used, except for some tiny boutique brands. Vodkas are usually made using column distillation, with as many variations as there are distillers. It is the knowledge of a master distiller—and his ultimate goal—that makes vodkas differ brand by brand. Some distillers aim for a light vodka, while others prefer a vodka that is more robust and rich.


We recently redesigned the Finlandia bottle, reducing the average weight by 13%. This reduces both the raw materials required to make our bottles, and the impact of transporting our product around the world.


1% for the Planet is a global organization that connects dollars and doers to accelerate smart environmental giving. Through their business and and individual memberships, 1% for the Planet inspires people to support environmental organizations through annual membership and everyday actions. They advise on giving strategies, certify donations and amplify the impact of the network.

Since becoming a 1% for the Planet Member, Finlandia Vodka’s certified donations to environmental organizations total over $600,000. 

Finlandia Vodka is a sponsor of Living Lands and Waters, a 1% for the Planet charity whose vision is to support the protection, preservation and restoration of the nation’s major rivers. The Finlandia team participates in water clean ups along with their $30,000 to date donation.


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Finlandia Vodka 40% Alc. by Vol., Finlandia Flavoured Vodkas 37.5% Alc. by Vol. and Finlandia Vodka Specialty 30% Alc. by Vol., Imported by Brown-Forman Beverages, Louisville, KY. Imported by Brown-Forman Beverages, Louisville, KY. FINLANDIA is a registered trademark. ©2023 Brown-Forman Finland. All rights reserved. To find out more about responsible consumption, visit and All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. Please do not share or forward this content with anyone under the legal drinking age.

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